
Ways to Give

"The most spiritually productive harvest field anywhere is among the children. Statistics show that the great majority of people who accept Christ do so between the ages of four and fourteen - when they are children."

The ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship® relies on the generous donations of Christian who believe the work of evangelizing children is vital for shaping the future generation. CEF of the Empire State cannot continue the work of evangelizing children, discipling them in God’s word, and establishing them in the local church without your help!

Mail Your Donations

You can mail your donations to

PO Box 56, North Chili NY, 14514

Make checks payable to CEF.

Online Giving

Click the “Donate” button below to be directed to our secure giving portal where you can donate with either your PayPal account or your credit/debit card. You will be able to choose your gift amount and even set up a recurring donation if you’d like. Thank you in advance!